Looking forward to some Ethiopian coffee this season.

In Ethiopia, a land known for its rich coffee heritage, the unique flavor profiles of its coffees are highly sought after. From floral and citrus notes to tropical and berry-like flavors, Ethiopian coffees offer a range of tastes that are difficult to match. Each year, coffee enthusiasts eagerly await the arrival of Ethiopian coffee, expecting even more pronounced and complex flavors than the previous crop.

Unfortunately, Ethiopia has faced various challenges, including strife and conflicts, which have affected the coffee industry. The ongoing conflict in the Red Sea has caused disruptions in coffee shipments, making it difficult to secure forward coffee needs. To ensure availability, it’s recommended to communicate clearly with traders about the types and qualities of coffee desired and secure all coffee needs forward.

Despite these challenges, We are committed to strengthening traceability to highlight the nuances of single farmer coffees. This year, they will offer a range of differently processed coffees from single producers, including washed, honey, natural, and more. These coffees, with a cupping score of 87+ and intense floral, citrus, berry, and tropical notes, are sure to amaze coffee lovers.

Some of the best Ethiopian coffees that Ethiopia has committed to include:

  • Ethiopia Natural Anaerobic Sidamo Shito Hailemariam GR1
  • Ethiopia Honey Guji Uraga Gobena Geleglo
  • Ethiopia Natural Sidamo Guji Sakiso G1
  • Ethiopia Natural Anaerobic GERA GR1
  • Ethiopia Washed Yirgacheffe Konga
  • Ethiopia Washed Yirgacheffe Kochere
  • Organic Ethiopia Washed Sidamo GR2 SHOYE FAIR TRADE
  • Organic Ethiopia Natural Sidamo GR4 Fair Trade Oromia

These coffees come from various regions and cooperatives, showcasing the diversity and quality of Ethiopian coffee. Their offerings list will grow, providing even more options for coffee enthusiasts.

Ethiopian coffees continue to captivate the world with their unique flavor profiles and rich coffee heritage. Despite the challenges faced by the industry, efforts are being made to strengthen traceability and highlight the nuances of single farmer coffees.

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Looking forward to some Ethiopian coffee this season.

In Ethiopia, a land known for its rich coffee heritage, the unique flavor profiles of its coffees are highly sought after. From floral and citrus notes to tropical and berry-like flavors, Ethiopian coffees offer a range of tastes that are difficult to match. Each year, coffee enthusiasts eagerly await the arrival of Ethiopian coffee, expecting even more pronounced and complex flavors than the previous crop.

Unfortunately, Ethiopia has faced various challenges, including strife and conflicts, which have affected the coffee industry. The ongoing conflict in the Red Sea has caused disruptions in coffee shipments, making it difficult to secure forward coffee needs. To ensure availability, it’s recommended to communicate clearly with traders about the types and qualities of coffee desired and secure all coffee needs forward.

Despite these challenges, We are committed to strengthening traceability to highlight the nuances of single farmer coffees. This year, they will offer a range of differently processed coffees from single producers, including washed, honey, natural, and more. These coffees, with a cupping score of 87+ and intense floral, citrus, berry, and tropical notes, are sure to amaze coffee lovers.

Some of the best Ethiopian coffees that Ethiopia has committed to include:

  • Ethiopia Natural Anaerobic Sidamo Shito Hailemariam GR1
  • Ethiopia Honey Guji Uraga Gobena Geleglo
  • Ethiopia Natural Sidamo Guji Sakiso G1
  • Ethiopia Natural Anaerobic GERA GR1
  • Ethiopia Washed Yirgacheffe Konga
  • Ethiopia Washed Yirgacheffe Kochere
  • Organic Ethiopia Washed Sidamo GR2 SHOYE FAIR TRADE
  • Organic Ethiopia Natural Sidamo GR4 Fair Trade Oromia

These coffees come from various regions and cooperatives, showcasing the diversity and quality of Ethiopian coffee. Their offerings list will grow, providing even more options for coffee enthusiasts.

Ethiopian coffees continue to captivate the world with their unique flavor profiles and rich coffee heritage. Despite the challenges faced by the industry, efforts are being made to strengthen traceability and highlight the nuances of single farmer coffees.

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