Elevate Your Coffee Tasting Experience.

Understanding the Coffee Flavor Wheel

First introduced by pioneering tasters in 1995, the Flavor Wheel was revamped in 2016 to become the invaluable tool it is today. It serves as a comprehensive guide to the attributes commonly found in specialty coffee.

The Flavor Wheel is meticulously organized, making it especially useful for beginners. It allows novice tasters to start with broad flavor categories and gradually refine their palate toward more specific notes. For instance, if you detect a fruity flavor, you can narrow it down to a berry and then perhaps pinpoint it as blueberry. This method can be applied across all nine broad categories, helping you identify increasingly specific flavors as your skills grow.

Defining Flavors with the Sensory Lexicon

World Coffee Research collaborated with The Sensory Analysis Center at Kansas State University to develop the Sensory Lexicon, a comprehensive list of 110 flavors, textures, and aromas found in coffee. This list includes specific references that are easy to obtain, especially in the U.S.

Final Thoughts

While the Flavor Wheel is an organized and effective tool, it can seem overwhelming at first. That’s why we take the time to gather as many reference points as possible, creating a tasting experience that allows you to explore a range of coffees with similar attributes.

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Elevate Your Coffee Tasting Experience.

Understanding the Coffee Flavor Wheel

First introduced by pioneering tasters in 1995, the Flavor Wheel was revamped in 2016 to become the invaluable tool it is today. It serves as a comprehensive guide to the attributes commonly found in specialty coffee.

The Flavor Wheel is meticulously organized, making it especially useful for beginners. It allows novice tasters to start with broad flavor categories and gradually refine their palate toward more specific notes. For instance, if you detect a fruity flavor, you can narrow it down to a berry and then perhaps pinpoint it as blueberry. This method can be applied across all nine broad categories, helping you identify increasingly specific flavors as your skills grow.

Defining Flavors with the Sensory Lexicon

World Coffee Research collaborated with The Sensory Analysis Center at Kansas State University to develop the Sensory Lexicon, a comprehensive list of 110 flavors, textures, and aromas found in coffee. This list includes specific references that are easy to obtain, especially in the U.S.

Final Thoughts

While the Flavor Wheel is an organized and effective tool, it can seem overwhelming at first. That’s why we take the time to gather as many reference points as possible, creating a tasting experience that allows you to explore a range of coffees with similar attributes.

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